Fannie Mae's 5% Down Payment Option

Fannie Mae's 5% Down Payment Option

  • 10/25/23

Have your dreams of becoming a real estate mogul but have been held back by the prospect of a hefty down payment for multifamily homes? Well, it's time to turn those dreams into reality, thanks to Fannie Mae's latest policy shift. 

A Lesser Down Payment

For years, aspiring real estate investors have faced the challenge of saving up substantial down payments to enter the multifamily property market. Fannie Mae, one of the largest players in the mortgage industry, is aiming to offer a more accessible path. 

With this new policy shift, owner-occupant landlords have the opportunity to invest with just a 5% down payment (compared to the traditional 15-25% required). And by leveraging rental income, they can substantially reduce their mortgage payments. 

Imagine the potential - owning a multifamily property with a smaller upfront investment and the opportunity to generate rental income. It's not only a savvy financial move, but it can also provide the chance to live in one unit while renting out the others. This dual-purpose approach to property ownership not only makes it more financially accessible but also allows for more flexible living arrangements.

What's Next?

So, what should you do next? If you're intrigued by the possibilities offered by this Fannie Mae policy change, it's essential to stay informed and understand the details. The full article on this topic provides more insight into this new policy change, slated for implementation post-November 18th, 2023.

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